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Un envoyé spécial de Spark Avocats à Vivatech !

By 16 juin 2023juin 26th, 2023No Comments

Du 14 au 17 juin se tient VIVATECH, le salon de la tech Porte de Versailles. Notre envoyé spécial a pu suivre des conférences, en voici une synthèse !

Conférence : Unlocking the secrets of M&A exits:

Oliver Lane (Deal lead – Google), Marc Fournier, (Managing Partner – Serena), Lauriane Requena (Tech investor – KKR), Nalin Patel (Lead private capital analyst – PitchBook)

o In 2021 many companies in Europe raised a lot with high valuations, but the numbers went down in 2022 => for Lauriane Requena, numbers went abnormally up and now they’re simply back at the point they used to be.
o Europe is still missing some of examples of great success and great fundraising that can be found in the US.
o It’s not the best tech that wins if you go back to Microsoft.
o When considering five players in a specific European market in Series B and C, their business plans are ineffective due to the market’s size. There is only room for one startup, and if you are that person, you start aggregating – or you focus on exiting fast.
o “The lower you go on the food chain the more companies are going to die” Marc Fournier
o Question: Do you use outside help to evaluate companies? Sometimes – Investors are looking at the strength of the technology and what it would bring internally, so it makes sense to be internalised.
o Question: Are earn out and management packages still in the general toolkit? Yes but they have to be set at the right value, keeping in mind that the value at exit is different from the one at entry which is generally higher


Cybercrime economics: understanding the numbers:

Matthew Mcwhirt (Managing director – Google Cloud), Philippe Trouchaud (Partner- PWC)

o Today Cybercrime costs 11 billion dollars, which represents 1% of the global GDP, and is expected to rocket in the following years
o 63% of attacks impact companies
o Ranked top 3 for corporate risks which explains the need for companies to identify their scope of vulnerability.
o Development of ransomware = companies are more inclined to pay a ransom than losing data or damaging their reputation.

The future of work: challenges and solutions for a more efficient and inclusive labor market

Alexandre Viros (Président – Adecco France), Astrid Panosyan, Corine de Bilbao, Antoine Foucher et Sylvain Reymond

o Nowadays businesses are the one driving change whereas 50 years ago it was governments.
o AI technologies using natural language are expanding which make it accessible to a large public, not knowing how to code.
o AI will be the key to stay competitive, however, having all interactions online cannot work in the long run.


Du côté des Startups, les nouveautés

Gino legaltech :
– Donne les outils pour automatiser des contrats en interne grâce à l’IA ex : NDA
– Clients : Bouygues, Crédit agricole
– Fait du versioning – Créé en 2017 par Philippe Ginestié

Valueco :
– Objectif = capturer le sentiment de marché sur l’ESG et les facteurs de durabilité d’entreprises cotees
– Comprend aujourd’hui 30.000 entreprises
– Donne les notes attribuées aux entreprises sous forme de nuage de points
– Peut servir lors d’audits

Crystal chain :
– Permet de garantir la traçabilité de document grâce à la blockchain
– Avantage pour les audits et PI

Smart Preuve :
– Collecter des preuves juridiques depuis son smartphone
– Photos et videos placées sur la blockchain et transmises directement à l’huissier
– Permet d’anticiper des litiges mineurs
– Réseau de 70 huissiers
– B2B ou B2C

Cyberol :
– Un pack Cybersécurité dédié aux PME/ TPE
– Protéger les données client, agit comme une lockbox
– Rend abordable la cybersécurité




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